Pavitra Rishta telsl the life story of Archana, who belongs to a middle class Maharasthrian family, based in Mumbai. Being he eldest daughter of the family, Archana chose to take responsibilities of her siblings rather than focusing on her education. As Archana grown up to a marriage age, her Mother realises that her daughter was devoid of all good things in life during her growing up years. Hence, the mother vows to get her married to a well educated and sophisticated guy. But destiny has something else planned for Archana.
hi,i m monu from bilaspur chhatisgard,i love to watch pavitra rishta its my serial.i like the role of archu she is the heart of pavirtra rishta.i wish for her success.manav is also playing good role both r nice.lastly the story its wonderfull.
ReplyDeletehi,i m monu from bilaspur chhatisgard,i love to watch pavitra rishta its my serial.i like the role of archu she is the heart of pavirtra rishta.i wish for her success.manav is also playing good role both r nice.lastly the story its wonderfull.